🎓 Hawaii, USA

Hawaii is the 50th U.S. state, an archipelago, and is a five-hour flight from the US mainland. There are six islands where you might visit for holidays, but you can also study there. With a closely-linked network of universities, community colleges, and English programs, there are plenty of options for your higher education. 

The four universities in Hawaii are: 

In addition, there are many affiliated community colleges, which allow students to start the first two years of study, earning an Associate’s Degree, and then transfer to a four-year university to complete the Bachelor’s degree. Community college is a great way to ease the transition from high school to university, save costs on your education, and make your way into a more competitive university.

To find out more, check out the Study Hawai’i website (https://studyhawaii.org/institutions/university/)Â